Thursday, July 31, 2008

Getting there...

Gots me a sign and some more stock. Now I just need some customers!

Friday, July 18, 2008

Store Hours...

Monday: 9-5
Tuesday: 9-5
Wednesday: By Appointment
Thursday: 9-5
Friday: 9-5
Saturday: 9-3
Sunday: Closed

I also have evening hours by appointment. Just give me a call.

Thursday, July 10, 2008

Coming along...

JOEY'S Bike Shop LLC is coming along nicely. It has been a lot of work but I believe it will pay off someday.

First official day was July 1st.

Walls are painted, some of the shelves are hung and the parts and accessories are trickling in slowly.

New bench mounted work stand. Takes up less floor space.

Karl loves all the new boxes that seem to be arriving daily.

Peace, JOEY

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Under Construction...

I am defiantly a building construction novice but the garage renovation is coming along slowly but surely. Saturday my dad and I took down the garage door and built a store front. New door, new window now I just have to decide what color to paint it. Monday and Tuesday I put in 12+ hours hanging plywood, with Mandi's help. Now its paint time, I loath painting. Its a slow tedious process that does not fit my hurry up and get it done personality. I received my business license Monday so now everything is official like. Now I just have lots of little things to do like: get set up with some more parts vendors, find a bike line willing to sell me a few bikes, figure out when I should pay my TAXES etc...

Peace, JOEY.