It was a tad snowy starting but once we got up high and in to the sun it was marvelous. Every weekend this month has been great. Warm, sunny and dry. I really hope it continues. Fingers crossed.
Hey there cycling enthusiast. What a great fall it has been! The weather could not be beat. Warm and dry just like fall should be. But alas it had to end. Today the snow flakes are dancing around in dizzy little circles. Some are accumulating but for the most part they are all melting away into oblivion.
The snow flakes act as a reminder though. A reminder that Christmas is just around the corner! In celebration of the Holiday season JOEY'S Bike Shop is having a BIG SALE.
All Bikes in stock 20% off. All special order bikes 10% off.
All in stock items 20% off. All special order items 15% off.
Also JOEY'S has a rather large selection of USED bikes. Ranging from 24" wheeled kids to a mondo large cruiser bike. Priced from $50---$130. Have some old cycling gear lying around? Have a couple old bikes collecting dust in the garage? Let ME sell them for you on EBAY!! For a nominal fee I will sell your "stuff" on EBAY and make you some CASH. I have been "EBAYING" for several years now and have a perfect 100% rating.
Peace, Joey
PS: Remember to always shop locally and support those that support you.
North Forked again and boy was it mighty beautiful up on that wonderful ridge on Sunday. A rowdy bunch we were: Mandi, John, Me and (gasp) Jason Cyr. It would have been the perfect ride if wouldn't have been for all my pesky flats. I guess 850 grams tires just are not tough enough for my 115 lb bee-hind. If you have never rode North Fork trail you shouldn't or maybe you should. It is up to you.