Wednesday, July 22, 2009

The Great Tour de Mocacinno...

Every one hanging out to see if they have the best "hand".

The big wiener.

The reward for just registering.

The reward for just registering part duo.

Were the ride came together.

The great Tour de Mocacinno was this past Saturday. It was fund raising campaign and membership drive all in one. Not to mention a poker run. Rider chose to either start in Elkins or Parsons, the end I was in charge of. At there desired starting point the participants was dealt half of a poker hand. Then they hopped on there bikes and headed towards Montrose. In Mont-rose riders were dealt the rest of there hand, best hand wins 50 smackers. Also in Montrose riders rewarded with Frappucicno or water and a yummy locally made granola bar. All participants seemed to a have smashing good time. YOU should attend next year.